Archive for May 28, 2010

A reader had brought this to the attention of this blog and it is something worth sharing.  Through a FIOA request, these credit card statements were obtained from the County from the last year. These statements document what Tom Cardman charges the county in daily expenses. Evidently, he does not know how to brown bag his own lunch in these tough economic times. It does not state whether Cardman reimburses his own expenses if he uses the corporate card for personal use. Here are the files for you to view. You decide.

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In Remembrance Of……..

Posted: May 28, 2010 in Local Issues

Memorial Day is his weekend and not only does it mean a three day weekend to most of the workforce, or the beginning of a summer vacation for school kids, it is alos a time to honor those that have fallen while serving for their country. Memorial Day was first declared to honor the “yankees” after the Civil War but it should go back to those that fought to give this country the freedom to be able to continue onward as it is today. To a soldier, no war is too little or too big, once you made that supreme sacrafice.