Archive for May 5, 2010

Below is a letter published in this weeks Page News written by Jay Dedman. Lowell’s involvement in the Project Clover deal has cause some concern among the county residents.

Last week I opened paper to see a man’s face on front page. Lowell Baughn. I see his name in the paper connected with so many county dealings. Who is this man? I don’t remember voting for him or hearing he was elected.

A friend told me he’s been head of the EDA for 30 years.  He seems to have the ability to spend taxpayer money without direct citizen input. Why? Is this some kind of untouchable second leadership?

Let’s just be clear. Mr. Baughn wants to spend $7.5-million for 210 acres of  farmland. The county is already struggling to balance it’s budget for this year. Remember the landfill fiasco that we’re still paying for? Clover will be like the new landfill if we allow it to be purchased. Everyone gets rich but the Page County taxpayers who will pay for the next 40-years.

So let’s default. We don;t need to borrow more money. Each of us must live within our means and so should we as a county. We’re cutting the school budget to the bone as well as other necessary services. There are already too many empty industrial parks along I-81. Let’s not add another one.

A friend told me that Lowell’s father was part of the “Byrd Machine“, when VA politics was run by a tight group of insiders. As a member of the new generation, those days of crony politics are over. Mr. Baughn says we can’t default on this proposed loan to Rebecca Graves Hudson. But we only default if Mrs. Hudson sues. As a citizen who’s family has lived here for generations, she could also realize this purchase is a bad deal for the community. She could be a hero. As is, Rebecca will still be paid over $1-million for 38 acres of farmland. Do the math. She’s no victim.

We elect leaders. They make the decisions for us. If I don’t like their decision, I help vote them out of office. So who is Lowell Baughn? I can’t vote him out of office because he’s never been elected. Lowell simply has power to spend $7.5-million of taxpayer money that nobody wants.

Jay Dedman, Rileyville